The Miloud Brothers
Mathieu and Michael Miloud are the second and first of three siblings born to an American mother and a French-Algerian father. They studied physics and mathematics and both obtained a PhD in mathematics. Mathieu's area of expertise is Riemannian geometry, while Michael now studies low dimensional topology. Mathieu and Michael are alumni of École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France.
In parallel with their mathematical work, Mathieu and Michael sought to develop a transversal and coherent understanding of the world around us, and of the dynamics and processes that are at play. They focused more particularly on geometrical connections that can be made between our mathematical interpretation of the physical laws of nature, mechanisms that govern the evolution of biological beings, and recent and ancient episodes of human history.
They summed up the results of their work up in a text: Parting and Enduring. Here is how they explain the purpose of this book:
'Now that mankind is united as it never was before - at least out of Asia -, every loss, every beauty, no longer creates an opportunity for another civilization, but simply is the sign of an ageing and that death is getting closer.
The only option left to prevent a disaster such as the single destruction of civilization as a whole is for it to get divided by reaching new spaces. Roman Europe already managed such a jump towards America in the XVth century. Does it still have enough strength to go even further, to another planet? This might be doubted, but if it is to come true, mankind must focus on this goal, for no thought can be neglected in order to adapt to an unknown environment.
We speak to you, powerful men. Aren’t you tired of seeing you’ve won against weakness? And of counting to what extent? Aren’t you tempted to achieve something that cannot be foretold? Don’t you wish to face a challenge you are worth of and competition even greater than you? Watch the knight who rides his proud horse. Why would he have purchased it with gold if it weren’t to go far? Further? »
Here are a few thinkers that influenced Mathieu and Michael's work: Savinien de Cyrano, Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler, Nassim Nicholas Taleb and several others.