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Here at  Four Freedom Literary Agency, we  offer direct and personal contact with all its authors. We recognize that writers wish to gain access to the largest possible worldwide markets. 


The Agency division of Four Freedom Publishing Services takes full advantage of our global contacts at large and mid-sized houses alike. These include the major publishers in the UK, the United States of America, and Canada as well as Ireland.


Our Promises, Your Advantage:

The Agency makes three promises:


  1. Our eclectic client list is purposely limited so we can maintain a strong personal relationship with authors and clients.

  2. Most agencies charge 15% of a writer's revenue. We consider that too high a percentage. The Agency will only charge you 10%.

  3. You will retain copyright control of your work and should you ever wish to leave for a different agency, you are free to do so. Your complete satisfaction is the only criteria that matters.


Who We Are Looking For:

As a growing UK literary agency seeking new authors, we are accepting submissions in all categories.

We personally read everything that is submitted to the agency and represent authors based all over the world. 




Fiction is the toughest kind of journalism there is. If you understand that statement, we want to read your novel, your short stories, or your meta work that goes beyond conventional descriptions. It can be funny, romantic, fantastic, set on a distant planet or never move out of a one-room setting. If your manuscript tells the truth with all the passion and honesty of a dying prophet, and if your language pops like old logs thrown on a hot fire in winter, we'll give it a proper loving home.


Children's and YA


Is it an odd thing for a Human Rights publisher to carve out a division just for Children's Literature? It is, unless you actually think about it. The great children's books taught us about humanity, caring, dignity and standing up for what is right. It didn't matter if the character was Huckleberry Finn, Winnie the Pooh or one of the Famous Five – their authors knew how to speak to us when we were very small. If you can write with the skill of an adult and the mind of a wondering child, we want you to write for us. We'll tuck your book into bed, give it a kiss on the forehead and leave a light on ... just in case there's something under the bed.


Theatre and Film


If all literature is a three-way conversation among the idea or object, the writer and the reader, then a brilliant script is that conversation rendered pure. Stripped of descriptive passages, writerly asides or any of the other sidebar effects of other forms of prose or poetry, a script takes us to the root of humanity and civilization: language exchanged between people. A play itself, with its audience breathing the same air as the performers, has a level of reality that no other entertainment medium can approach. We believe in great plays and in reading great movies as well. Our editions are designed for the actor: large fonts and an open design made so that lines can be glimpsed quickly. We want to read your script. After all, they're the stuff that dreams are made of.




Do your words and images provoke, seduce and delight? Can you make a reader see the world through your eyes even as you peer out through theirs? Whether you write in the sturdiest old-school meter or your words gambol across the page like tiny back antelope, we want to read your work. Email us your top three poems. We've been waiting for you.




​Do you have an idea for a strong non-fiction book? It can be a biography of an historic or current figure, investigative long-form journalism on a specific place or issue, or anything else on which you have a well-researched opinion that is written with fire and style. That's the kind of book we want to read.





Submissions Guidelines:

Email us at


Put your name and the title of your manuscript in the subject line of the email.  The manuscript and synopsis should be in Word format and 1.5 or double spaced. Please check the spelling before sending. 



For fiction submissions please write a one-line elevator pitch and up to three comparable books or authors you'd place your book alongside in your email. Pitch your book in your email and include information about yourself that is relevant to the work you are submitting. Attach a one-page synopsis and the first three chapters of the manuscript.  


For non-fiction submissions please write a covering letter introducing yourself and your project.

Please also attach a proposal as well as a 30 page writing sample. There should only be two attachments, do not send multiple emails. Non-fiction titles are often sold on proposal, so your book does not need to be complete at the time of submission to the agency.


The proposal should include the following information:


  • What your book is about and why it needs to be written.

  • Where it sits in the market, with reference to other similar or competing titles.

  • Why you are well-placed to write the book, with reference to your background and any credentials or professional expertise you may have.

  • A chapter outline, with a paragraph or two explaining what will be addressed in each chapter.


Include the following (.doc .odt or pdf attachments are acceptable):


  1. A biography of yourself including any past publication either in print or on-line.

  2. A link to any personal website (that can include Goodreads)

  3. A description of the work you would like us to consider. (500 words maximum)

  4. Please include a writing sample of  5000 words

  5. Links or samples of any professional reviews of your work. If there are none, we ask for three professional references (writers, academic peers, mentors are all acceptable)


For submissions of poetry please provide 5 poems along with a short biography and proposal for poetry collection. 


For submissions of plays and screenplays 


Write to us today!

The agency

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©2017 by Four Freedom Literary Agency. Proudly created with

Four Freedom Literary Agency is a subsidiary of  Four Freedom Publishing Services.
Business registration No : 70709 9099
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